Learning Outcomes


  • A learning outcome specifies what you will be able to do by the end of each English course or at the completion of each level of an English language course.
  • SCIC is required to provide you with information about learning outcomes.



General English (CRICOS Course Code: 078701D)

  • General English consists of six levels:
    1. Beginner/Starter
    2. Elementary
    3. Pre-Intermediate
    4. Intermediate
    5. Upper-Intermediate
    6. Advanced
  • Click the following link to view the learning outcomes for the General English course:

General English Learning Outcomes

  • Scroll through the table, locate your General English level, and review the learning outcomes you will achieve by the end of your course level.



English for Academic Purposes (EAP) (CRICOS Course Code: 104575G)

  • The EAP course is currently structured into four levels:
    1. EAP 1 (Pre-Intermediate – B1)
    2. EAP 2 (Intermediate – B1+)
    3. EAP 3 (Upper Intermediate – B2)
    4. EAP 4 (Advanced – C1)
  • Click the following link to view the learning outcomes for the EAP course:

EAP Learning Outcomes

  • Scroll through the table, locate your EAP level, and check the learning outcomes you will achieve by the end of your course level.



Cambridge Advanced (C1) Examination Preparation (CRICOS Course Code: 0101272)

  • This course consists of one level: Cambridge C1.
  • Click the following link to view the learning outcomes you will achieve by the end of your course:

Cambridge C1 Learning Outcomes

  • Scroll through the table and check the learning outcomes you will achieve by the end of your course.