English Placement Test
Sunshine Coast International College’s (SCIC’s) Online Placement Test tells us about your current level of English.
SCIC or your Education Agent might ask you to complete this test. You do not ‘pass’ or fail’ the online test! Your test result help us to estimate the number of weeks of English you need.
SCIC’s International’s Online Placement Test has three parts:
- PART 1: Grammar and Vocabulary (30 multiple choice questions)
- PART 2: Reading & Comprehension (12 multiple choice questions)
- PART 3: Listening and comprehension (12 questions)
- PART 4: Writing Task
Our Academic Manager will look at your Writing Task. Then you will receive an email with your overall level estimate.
Please note that you MUST complete a face-to-face test on your first day at SCIC to confirm your online placement test result.
Test Instructions:
The test should take you no more than 60 minutes to complete.
- Click ‘Start Test’ below.
- You will be asked to give your personal details
- Then follow the instructions for each part of the test.
Good Luck!